Decidable orderings in Idris
The goal of this post is to explore ordering relations in Idris. We will discuss the notion of decision procedures, seeing how to decide equality of natural numbers. We will define the notion of minimality of natural numbers and we will show that minimality is a decidable property. Finally, we will generalize the notion of minimality, and implement a verified lexicographic total ordering for vectors.
This post is a literate Idris file, so here is the module declaration and necessary imports.
module Data.Order.Total
import Data.Vect
%default total
%access public export
Decidable equality
In Idris, decision procedures are really useful. A decision procedure lets you promote value-level information to the type-level, even at runtime. For example, a decision procedure for equality produces a decision of the equality of two things: either they are equal, in which case the procedure has constructed a proof that they are equal; or they are not, in which case the procedure has constructed a proof that the equality leads to a contradiction. (In constructive logic, this is what is understood by a proposition being false.)
We can represent decisions with a datatype.
data Dec : Type -> Type where
Yes : prop -> Dec prop
No : (prop -> Void) -> Dec prop
Let’s implement a decision for the equality of natural numbers. Recall that natural numbers are defined like this.
||| Natural numbers.
data Nat : Type where
||| Zero is a natural number.
Z : Nat
||| Every natural number has a successor.
S : Nat -> Nat
Obviously, zero is equal to zero, and zero is not equal to the successor of any
number, but what if we have two successors? Induction! Let’s formalize this
argument with a function that computes the decision, i.e. a decision procedure
for the equality of Nat
decEqNat : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Dec (n = m)
This reads “for all natural numbers \(n\), and for all natural numbers \(m\), we can decide whether \(n\) is equal to \(m\)”.
Z Z = Yes Refl decEqNat
Of course zero is equal to zero, and Idris recognizes this. The reason is
simple: when we match Z
for n
and m
, type refinement occurs. This means
that in the type signature that is specialized for this branch of the function,
and m
are replaced by Z
as well. Consequently, the goal of the function
has changed: we now have to produce Dec (Z = Z)
. This is easy: we have Refl : x = x
, so unifying x
with Z
gives us a proof Z = Z
. Then, wrapping
with Yes
gives us a value of type Dec (Z = Z)
, as required.
S _) Z = No (\Refl impossible)
decEqNat (Z (S _) = No (\Refl impossible) decEqNat
The syntax here is a bit tricky, but the idea is that the successor of a number cannot be zero: because the constructors are different, Idris recognizes that they are not equal. However, we need to show that them being equal is a contradiction.
Suppose we wrote No (\x => ?a)
and asked Idris the type of the hole, it would
say that x : S _t = Z
. Matching with Refl
gives the left-hand side type
error, because Idris cannot unify S _
with Z
. We explicitly mark the case
as impossible. But this is the only case
for the function! What happens when a function has no valid cases? The
intuition is that the function has been proven to be uncallable. When this
happens, the result type of the function is arbitrary. Because the function
can never be called, it may as well return whatever you like; it’s not like you
could ever call it anyway. In particular, we can even produce values of type
, the type with no value, which is exactly what No
The same reasoning applies to the symmetric case decEqNat Z (S _) = ?a
At last, we have the inductive case. We are doing induction on both numbers at
once. If the two smaller numbers are equal, then it suffices to apply S
both sides of the equality to show that the bigger numbers are equal. Equality
is a congruence, meaning that applying a function to both sides of an equality
produces another equality. This notion is captured by the function
cong : (a = b) -> f a = f b
S n) (S m) with (decEqNat n m)
decEqNat (| Yes eqPrf = Yes (cong eqPrf)
The No
case is a bit trickier. Let’s proceed the same way as in the previous
case to produce the contradiction.
- Writing
No (\x => ?a)
gives us a goal ofVoid
with the assumptionseqContra : (n = m) -> Void
andx : S n = S m
. - Matching
causes type refinement to occur:S n
must unify withS m
. However, Idris can make an additional inference. Since data constructors are injective, Idris infers also thatn
must unify withm
, so the variablem
is replaced byn
in all our assumptions, giving us thateqContra : (n = n) -> Void
. - Of course,
Refl : n = n
, so we can applyRefl
and getVoid
, as required.
Using this reasoning gives the following equation.
| No eqContra = No (\Refl => eqContra Refl)
Now suppose we have a natural number coming from runtime - maybe we parsed a
number on standard input. We can check that the number is equal to, say, 3
and get either a proof that this is so or that this is a contradiction. This
proof can then be used later in the program, helping us on the type level.
Equality is just one kind of relation. Can we generalize the theory we developed for equality to other types of relations? The next simplest relation to study is orderings.
Decidable orderings
There are, very broadly speaking, two kinds of orders: partial orders and total orders. In a partial order, it is possible to have two elements that are not ordered, and we say that are incomparable in that case. In a total order, any two elements are ordered in some way: either the first is “less than” the second, or the second is “less than” the first. I use scare quotes because the ordering can be other than numeric inequality, especially for partial orders. (Also, the strict “less than” on numbers is not a total or partial order, but it’s shorter than writing “no greater than” all the time.)
For example, consider the powerset boolean algebra of the set \(A = \{a, b, c\}\). The elements in the boolean algebra are all possible subsets of this set. The ordering relation is set containment: one set is contained in an other (not to be confused with “is an element of another”) if all its elements are elements of the other set. So \(\{a, b\} \subseteq \{a, b, c\}\). However, neither \(\{a, b\} \subseteq \{b, c\}\) nor \(\{b, c\} \subseteq \{a, b\}\), so this ordering is partial.
To be a partial order, a few properties must be satisfied. 1. The order must be reflexive: every element is “less than” itself 2. The order must be transitive: if \(A\) is “less than” \(B\), and \(B\) is “less than” \(C\), then we can infer that \(A\) is “less than” \(C\). 3. The order must be antisymmetric: if \(A\) is “less than” \(B\) and \(B\) is “less than” \(A\), then we can infer that \(A = B\). You can see for yourself that these properties are satisfied in the powerset boolean algebra.
Total orders have all these same requirements, plus the additional requirement that any two elements can be ordered. Intuitively, the natural numbers are totally ordered by the less-than-or-equal relation.
Intuition isn’t good enough though. Let’s prove it. Here’s the
less-than-or-equal relation for Nat
. It is based on two ideas: zero is less
than any natural, and if we have that a natural is less than another, then we
can add one to “both sides”.
data LTE : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
LTEZero : LTE Z n
LTESucc : LTE n m -> LTE (S n) (S m)
Now let’s write a decision procedure for whether a given natural is less than another one according this relation.
decLte : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Dec (LTE n m)
The zero case is easy, as usual. Since zero is less than any other natural, we
can use the LTEZero
proof immediately.
Z _ = Yes LTEZero decLte
On the other hand, if we have a successor in the first argument and a zero in the second, we have a contradiction. How can a successor of some number be less than or equal to zero? We just match both cases and dispel them as impossible, which Idris confirms because the matches each produce a type error in the left-hand side.
S _) Z
decLte (= No (\x => case x of LTEZero impossible ; LTESucc _ impossible)
(Write down the unification constraints produced by the matches to see how the contradiction arises in both cases.)
Finally, we have the inductive case, with successor in both arguments. We set
up the induction hypothesis with a recursive call in a with-clause, and then
see whether the smaller numbers are ordered or not. If they are, then we can
apply the LTESucc
rule to infer that the larger ones are too.
S n) (S m) with (decLte n m)
decLte (| Yes ltePrf = Yes (LTESucc ltePrf)
In the No
case, we must prove that LTE (S n) (S m) -> Void
. So we use a
lambda to introduce the assumption LTE (S n) (S m)
. We can match this
assumption with LTESucc p
to get p : LTE n m
. The No
match gives us a
proof that the smaller numbers being ordered is a contradiction, so we also
have the assumption lteContra : LTE n m -> Void
available to us. It will
suffice to apply p
to lteContra
to get Void
, as required.
| No lteContra = No (\(LTESucc p) => lteContra p)
With decLte
, we can decide whether one number is less than another. However,
it turns out that this function cannot be used to decide which of two naturals
is minimal! Before continuing to explain why, let’s see what exactly is meant
by “minimal”.
||| A shorthand for inequality.
(/=) : a -> b -> Type
/= y = Not (x = y)
x symNeq : (x /= y) -> (y /= x)
= neq (sym eq) symNeq neq eq
||| Minimality among naturals.
data Minimal : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
||| The first natural is minimal: it is strictly smaller than the second.
MinLT : LTE n m -> (n /= m) -> Minimal n m
||| Both are minimal: they are equal.
MinEQ : (n = m) -> Minimal n m
||| The second natural is minimal: it is strictly smaller than the first.
MinGT : LTE m n -> (n /= m) -> Minimal n m
Now we would like to write a function to decide, given two numbers, which is
minimal. This is the total order property for LTE
. Here’s the signature of
our decision procedure.
decMin : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Minimal n m
It might seem surprising that decLte
will be useless in implementing this
function. Using decLte
, an implementation strategy would be to compute a
decision on whether the first argument is less than the second, and then
compute a decision on whether the second is less than the first. Then four
cases arise: Yes/Yes
, Yes/No
, No/Yes
, and No/No
. Intuitively, the last
case is a contradiction: how can neither number be minimal? Even so, we will be
unable to convince Idris that this case is in fact impossible. We would have in
that case the assumptions notNM : LTE n m -> Void
notMN : LTE m n -> Void
. Since we cannot match on function types, we cannot
use matching to tease the contradiction out of the data. The other option then
is to build either LTE n m
or LTE m n
so that we can invoke one our
assumptions to produce Void
. (If ever you produce Void
in a case, you can
dispel it with absurd : Void -> a
which lets you derive anything.) However we
are implementing the function that determines either LTE n m
or LTE m n
for any n
and m
; intuitively we can’t build either such proof just like
Instead, we will repeat more or less the same implementation as for decLte
and decEqNat
and combine them.
Z Z = MinEQ Refl
decMin Z (S _) = MinLT LTEZero (\Refl impossible)
decMin S _) Z = MinGT LTEZero (\Refl impossible)
decMin (S n) (S m) = l (decMin n m) where
decMin (l : Minimal n m -> Minimal (S n) (S m)
MinLT lt neq) = MinLT (LTESucc lt) (\Refl => neq Refl)
l (MinEQ eq) = MinEQ (cong eq)
l (MinGT gt neq) = MinGT (LTESucc gt) (\Refl => neq Refl) l (
This formalism of minimality is quite powerful. Thanks to the embedded
in/equality proofs, we can use it to easily implement decEqNat
decEqNat' : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Dec (n = m)
with (decMin n m)
decEqNat' n m | MinLT _ neq = No neq
| MinEQ eq = Yes eq
| MinGT _ neq = No neq
In fact, decMin
is so strong that we can use it to implement decLte
well, but we will need to use the fact that the LTE
relation is
lteAntiSym : LTE n m -> LTE m n -> n = m
LTEZero LTEZero = Refl
lteAntiSym LTESucc p) (LTESucc q) = rewrite lteAntiSym p q in Refl
lteAntiSym (decLte' : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Dec (LTE n m)
with (decMin n m)
decLte' n m | MinLT lte _ = Yes lte
| MinEQ eq = case eq of Refl => Yes lteRefl
| MinGT gte neq = No (\lte => neq (lteAntiSym lte gte))
Overloading total orders
Generalizing minimality
We can generalize the proposition Minimal
by refactoring the ordering
relation into a type parameter.
data OrderedBy : {a : Type} -> (order : a -> a -> Type) -> (x : a) -> (y : a) -> Type where
LT : order x y -> (x /= y) -> OrderedBy order x y
EQ : (x = y) -> OrderedBy order x y
GT : order y x -> (x /= y) -> OrderedBy order x y
Of course, our Minimal
is isomorphic to OrderedBy LTE
minimalityIsOrderedByLte : Minimal x y -> OrderedBy LTE x y
MinLT lte neq) = LT lte neq
minimalityIsOrderedByLte (MinEQ eq) = EQ eq
minimalityIsOrderedByLte (MinGT gte neq) = GT gte neq
minimalityIsOrderedByLte (orderedByLteIsMinimality : OrderedBy LTE x y -> Minimal x y
LT lte neq) = MinLT lte neq
orderedByLteIsMinimality (EQ eq) = MinEQ eq
orderedByLteIsMinimality (GT gte neq) = MinGT gte neq orderedByLteIsMinimality (
I leave it as a (very boring) exercise to demonstrate that these functions are
inverses, and to tie this in with Control.Isomorphism
Overloading the axioms of total orders
We can collect all the axioms of a total ordering on some type into an interface.
interface TotalOrder (a : Type) (order : a -> a -> Type) | order where
constructor MkTotalOrder
orderRefl : order x x
orderTrans : order x y -> order y z -> order x z
orderAntiSym : order x y -> order y x -> x = y
orderTotal : (x : a) -> (y : a) -> OrderedBy order x y
Of course, our theory of natural numbers with LTE
can be made into an
implementation of this interface.
TotalOrder Nat LTE where
= lteRefl
orderRefl = lteTransitive
orderTrans = lteAntiSym
orderAntiSym = minimalityIsOrderedByLte (decMin x y) orderTotal x y
Ordering vectors
Consider the words “cat” and “dog”: the former comes before the latter, since “c” comes before “d” in alphabetical order. What happens if the first letters are equal? We defer the ordering decision to the substring made by removing the first letter. For example, consider “mouse” and “moose”: since the first two letters are the same, we compare “u” with “o” to conclude the “moose” comes before “mouse”.
The lexicographic order is a generalization of this way of applying alphabetical order. We will show that any two vectors of the same length and containing totally ordered elements (according to any total ordering) are totally ordered by the lexicographic order. First, we need to define the lexicographic order predicate for equal-length vectors.
data Lexicographic : (sub : a -> a -> Type) -> Vect n a -> Vect n a -> Type where
LexEqZ : Lexicographic sub [] []
: (x = y)
-> Lexicographic sub xs ys
-> Lexicographic sub (x::xs) (y::ys)
LexLT : sub x y -> (x /= y) -> Lexicographic sub (x::xs) (y::ys)
The constructors LexEqZ
and LexEqS
are there to handle the fact that equal
vectors are lexicographically ordered. The LexLT
constructor captures the
idea that if we find two unequal elements ordered by the underlying relation,
and those elements are the heads of arbitrary vectors, then those vectors are
lexicographically ordered.
It goes without saying that the proofs for Lexicographic
are a bit trickier
than for LTE
, so let’s look at some examples.
||| The first elements are unequal and ordered by LTE, so the vectors are
||| lexicographically ordered.
eg1 : Lexicographic LTE [1, 2, 3] [2, 1, 1]
= LexLT (LTESucc LTEZero) (\Refl impossible) eg1
||| The vectors are equal, so they are lexicographically ordered for any
||| choice of underlying order.
eg2 : Lexicographic order ['c', 'a', 't'] ['c', 'a', 't']
= LexEqS Refl (LexEqS Refl (LexEqS Refl (LexEqZ))) eg2
||| The vectors are equal up to the second element, and are strictly ordered
||| in the third element.
eg3 : Lexicographic LTE [1, 2, 3, 1] [1, 2, 5, 1]
= LexEqS Refl (LexEqS Refl (LexLT (LTESucc (LTESucc (LTESucc (LTEZero)))) (\Refl impossible))) eg3
Now let’s show that lexicographic ordering over totally ordered elements is a total order. To do so, we will show that it is reflexive, transitive, antisymmetric, and totally decidable.
lexRefl : {n : Nat} -> {v : Vect n a} -> Lexicographic o v v
=Z} {v=Nil} = LexEqZ
lexRefl {n=S n} {v=x::xs} = LexEqS Refl lexRefl lexRefl {n
Reflexivity is easy, since we built it into Lexicographic
via the LexEqZ
and LexEqS
constructors. Notice that reflexivity does not depend on any
properties of the underlying ordering on the elements in the vectors.
Transitivity is much harder. It will require the transitivity and antisymmetry
properties of the underlying ordering. Rather than require OrderTotal
on the
underlying ordering right away, we can instead just take the transitive law and
antisymmetric law as arguments and use them when necessary.
lexTrans': {a : Type}
-> {v1, v2, v3 : Vect n a}
-> {order : a -> a -> Type}
-> ({x, y, z : a} -> order x y -> order y z -> order x z)
-> ({x, y : a} -> order x y -> order y x -> x = y)
-> Lexicographic order v1 v2
-> Lexicographic order v2 v3
-> Lexicographic order v1 v3
_ _ LexEqZ LexEqZ = LexEqZ lexTrans'
As usual, these base cases are very easy. Here, the matches cause type
refinement on the vectors making them empty. Since v1 ~ []
and v3 ~ []
, we
can prove that they’re ordered with LexEqZ
_ _ (LexLT ord neq) (LexEqS Refl _) = LexLT ord neq
lexTrans' _ _ (LexEqS Refl p) (LexLT ord neq) = LexLT ord neq lexTrans'
I’ll focus on the first equation. The first pair of vectors have their first
elements ordered and unequal. The second pair of vectors have their first
elements identically the same. So the first element of the first vector is also
ordered with the first component of the third vector, and is also not equal to
it. That’s enough to use LexLT
to prove that the first vector is
lexicographically ordered with the third one, as required.
LexEqS Refl p) (LexEqS Refl q)
lexTrans' trans antisym (= LexEqS Refl (lexTrans' trans antisym p q)
The first elements of the first and second pair of vectors in this case are
equal. So the first element of the first vector is equal to the first element
of the third. This is almost enough to use LexEqS
to show the first vector
is lexicographically ordered with the third. We make a recursive call to prove
that the tails of the vectors are lexicographically ordered.
LexLT {x} {y} ordl neql) (LexLT {x=y} {y=z} ordr neqr)
lexTrans' trans antisym (= LexLT (trans ordl ordr) (\Refl => case antisym ordl ordr of Refl => neql Refl)
Here is where we need to use the properties of the underlying ordering. What we know is that the heads of the first pair of vectors are ordered, and the heads of the second pair of vectors are ordered. Using the transitivity of the underlying ordering, we can prove that the head of the first vector is ordered with the head of the third vector.
Next, we need to prove that the head of the first vector is not equal to the
head of the third vector. Let x
, y
, and z
refer to the heads of the
first, second, and third vectors respectively. Supposing that x = z
, some
type refinement occurs, and we get that ordl : order x y
and ordr : y x
Using antisymmetry, we can conclude that x = y
. Matching on that equality
proof unifies x
with y
, so all occurrences of x
in types are replaced
with y
. Therefore, neql : (x = y) -> Void
becomes neql : (y = y) -> Void
We can prove y = y
with Refl
, so we get produce Void
, as required.
Now we can write a version of lexTrans
where the properties on the underlying
ordering are obtained from TotalOrder
lexTrans: (TotalOrder a order)
=> {v1, v2, v3 : Vect n a}
-> Lexicographic order v1 v2
-> Lexicographic order v2 v3
-> Lexicographic order v1 v3
= lexTrans' orderTrans orderAntiSym l1 l2 lexTrans l1 l2
For antisymmetry of lexicographic ordering, we will proceed in a similar way. We’ll write a general function that explicitly marks which properties of the underlying ordering are needed. Then we can write an easy-to-use version that fills in these functions by requiring a TotalOrder instance on the underlying order.
The antisymmetry proof isn’t very interesting, so I won’t go into as much
detail as I did for transitivity. Due to how Lexicographic
is designed, the
only way we could possibly have both Lexicographic order v w
Lexicographic order w v
at the same time is if both such proofs are LexEqS
chains. Consequently, the bulk of the antisymmetry proof is showing that
anything but chains of LexEqS
are impossible, by deriving contradictions. The
key difference with earlier “contradiction fishing” is that now we will
generally construct Void
on the right-hand side and dispel the case by using
the function absurd : Void -> a
, which lets us derive anything.
lexAntiSym': {v, w : Vect n a}
-> ({x, y : a} -> order x y -> order y x -> x = y)
-> Lexicographic order v w
-> Lexicographic order w v
-> v = w
_ LexEqZ LexEqZ = Refl
lexAntiSym' LexEqS Refl p) (LexEqS Refl q) with (lexAntiSym' anti p q)
lexAntiSym' anti (| Refl = Refl
_ (LexLT ord neq) (LexEqS Refl q) = absurd (neq Refl)
lexAntiSym' _ (LexEqS Refl p) (LexLT ord neq) = absurd (neq Refl)
lexAntiSym' LexLT ordl neql) (LexLT ordr neqr)
lexAntiSym' anti (= absurd (neql (anti ordl ordr))
lexAntiSym: TotalOrder a order => {v, w : Vect n a}
-> Lexicographic order v w
-> Lexicographic order w v
-> v = w
= lexAntiSym' orderAntiSym lexAntiSym
Last but not least, we need to show that lexicographic ordering is a decidable
ordering. Of course, in order to decide the lexicographic ordering of two
vectors, we will need to decide the ordering of individual elements according
to the underlying order; a function to do just that will be required as an
argument yet again, and in a revised version of the lexicographic ordering
decision procedure, this function will be supplied by a TotalOrder
on the underlying ordering.
decLex': {a : Type}
-> {order : a -> a -> Type}
-> ((x : a) -> (y : a) -> OrderedBy order x y)
-> (v : Vect n a)
-> (w : Vect n a)
-> OrderedBy (Lexicographic order) v w
_ Nil Nil = EQ Refl
decLex' ::xs) (y::ys) with (decOrder x y)
decLex' decOrder (x| LT lt neq = LT (LexLT lt neq) (\Refl => neq Refl)
| GT gt neq = GT (LexLT gt (symNeq neq)) (\Refl => neq Refl)
| EQ eq with (decLex' decOrder xs ys)
| LT lt neq = LT (LexEqS eq lt) (\Refl => neq Refl)
| GT gt neq = GT (LexEqS (sym eq) gt) (\Refl => neq Refl)
| EQ eq' = case (eq, eq') of (Refl, Refl) => EQ Refl
decLex: TotalOrder a order
=> (v : Vect n a)
-> (w : Vect n a)
-> OrderedBy (Lexicographic order) v w
= decLex' orderTotal decLex
Finally, we can collect our four proofs into an instance of TotalOrder
Lexicographic order
, provided that order
is also an instance of
lexTotal : TotalOrder a order -> TotalOrder (Vect n a) (Lexicographic order)
lexTotal = MkTotalOrder
\x => lexRefl {v=x})
(\v1, v2, v3 => lexTrans {v1} {v2} {v3})
(\v, w => lexAntiSym {v} {w})
( decLex
(I used the explicit form for defining a named implementation, because when using the Haskell-style anonymous form, I would get a type error that made no sense at all.)
We saw how to implement some simple decision procedures on Nat
, for equality
and for minimality according to LTE
. We extended the notion of minimality to
describe general total orderings. We captured the notion of total orders in the
interface. Finally, we defined the lexicographic ordering for
vectors, and proved that it is a total order.
The takeaway from this post is not that lexicographic ordering is total or that the minimal element of a set of two natural numbers can be decided machanically. Instead, I hope that you were able to learn some new strategies for proving things in Idris, and how powerful this language is.
There are a number of ways that the work here can be extended. The
datatype can be first generalized to work on lists. It can also
be generalized to work on vectors of possibly different lengths. Both such
lexicographic orders can be shown to be total.