

Eval is an implementation of a strongly and statically typed functional programming language with type inference, polymorphism, algebraic datatypes, and pattern matching.

The following program defines linked lists, an eliminator for them, a sample list, and a function to sum a list, and it calculates the sum of the sample list.

type List a =
  | Nil
  | Cons a (List a)

def rec fold_list : (a -> b -> b) -> List a -> b -> b =
  fun f l e -> match l with
  | Nil -> e
  | Cons x xs -> f x (fold_list f xs e)

def list = Cons 5 (Cons 4 (Cons 3 (Cons 2 (Cons 1 (Cons 0 Nil)))))

def sum = fun l -> fold_list (fun x y -> x + y) l 0

def n = sum list


Apollo is a web service for downloading music, and integrates with MPD. Using Apollo’s HTTP API, you can send URLs from youtube, soundcloud, etc. to be downloaded. Apollo comes bundled with bash scripts for submitting URLs from the command-line.

I have also developed a Firefox extension for Apollo which makes it easy to submit links and monitor download progress directly in the browser.

Computing Workshop

Together with my partner Eric Mayhew I create and run a series of workshops on various topics in computer science. These range from fundamentals of circuits and programming, to an introduction to machine learning.


This library describes the Pushbullet API as a type and provides functions created with Servant to call the API. It also provides some miscellaneous functions for dealing with particulars of the Pushbullet API, such as pagination of results.

This library depends on another one I wrote which simply describes the types of objects returned by the Pushbullet API.

Ultimately, the reason I wrote these libraries was to write tpb, an application to interact with the Pushbullet API on the command-line. On top of this application, I wrote a number of scripts for sending and receiving SMS on the command-line.


This is my first published Haskell library. It implements Servant combinators to represent routes that are meant to service GitHub webhooks. These combinators provide routing based on webhook type and automatic verification of GitHub digital signatures.

Vent over Tea

In the spring of 2015, Dan Crisan and I built the first iteration of the Vent over Tea web site together.


Harpoon: Mechanizing Metatheory Interactively

Beluga is a proof checker that provides sophisticated infrastructure for implementing formal systems with the logical framework LF and proving metatheoretic properties as total, recursive functions transforming LF derivations. In this paper, we describe Harpoon, an interactive proof engine built on top of Beluga. It allows users to develop proofs interactively using a small, fixed set of high-level actions that safely transform a subgoal. A sequence of actions elaborates into a (partial) proof script that serves as an intermediate representation describing an assertion-level proof. Last, a proof script translates into a Beluga program which can be type-checked independently.

Harpoon is available on GitHub as part of Beluga. We have used Harpoon to replay a wide array of examples covering all features supported by Beluga. In particular, we have used it for normalization proofs, including the recently proposed POPLMark reloaded challenge.

This work was presented at CADE 2021. Click here for the full paper.

The paper lacks many of the details of the full development, which you can read in my thesis.

The Great Migration and African-American genomic diversity

In 2014 as a research assistant in the lab of Simon Gravel, I contributed to tracts, which is a tool for modelling local ancestry patterns along the genome. Simply put, given a model of migration and the ancestry proportions of individuals in a present population, tracts evaluates the likelihood of the migration described by that model having occurred.

Tracts had an issue when presented with large populations that would arise due to an averaging of the present population’s ancestry proportions. I resolved this by implementing a new demographic model in tracts that performs a model evaluation on multiple subpopulations and combines the results of those evaluations. By splitting the population in this way, tracts can avoid discarding the information given by the variance in the present population’s ancestry proportions.

This new evaluation method was used to produce some of the results in the paper The Great Migration and African-American genomic diversity, of which I am a coauthor.

Personal projects