Implementing generators with continuation-passing style, streams, and defunctionalization

Posted on April 2, 2023

Some languages define a variant of return called yield. When a function returns normally, it’s finished, but when a function yields, the execution context of the function is saved, enabling us to re-enter the function to resume its execution. Such resumable functions are especially convenient for defining lazily generated sequences. Such functions that generate sequences are called generators.

This article will first describe native generators in Python before translating the idea into OCaml using mutable variables and continuation-passing style (CPS). Then, we will see how to eliminate the mutable variable and how to eliminate the higher-order functions that arise from CPS, leading to an implementation that we translate into C.

Native generators in Python

For example, consider this recursive algorithm in Python that enumerates all truth assignments on n variables. Each truth assignment is represented as a list of booleans of length n. The sequence that arises from this enumeration has length 2^n since there are two possible choices for the value of each of the n variables.

def enumerate_assignments(n):
    a = [True] * n

    def go(i):
        if i == 0:
            yield a
            a[n - i] = True
            yield from go(i - 1)

            a[n - i] = False
            yield from go(i - 1)

    return go(n)

In the base case when i == 0, the variable a contains a truth assignment with some Trues and some Falses put in it by the stack of recursive calls that leads to the base case. We yield that truth assignment, suspending execution of the function. The function, upon being re-entered, proceeds from that yield, in this case returning back to its caller. The caller might be the recursive call yield from go(i - 1), after which a[n - i] is set to False and another recursive call is made.

Therefore, calling this function does not generate the whole sequence at once. In fact, nothing happens just yet if we call enumerate_assignments(5) except to ‘prime’ the generator to run. The call returns a so-called iterator, which stores the state of the execution. Then, calling the function next() on the iterator will resume execution of the function up to the next yield. Also, next() returns to us the yielded value. Repeatedly calling next() until the generator exits is exactly what a Python for-loop does, so we can print all the truth assignments on five variables like this:

for a in enumerate_assignments(5):

What if the language we’re working in doesn’t have yield though? How can we implement something like this in, say, OCaml? In doing so, we will explore what happens under the hood of generators.

Evaluation contexts and continuations

Before diving into the implementation of generators in OCaml using continuations, some background on continuations is required. I’ve already written an article on continuations in general here, but I’ll give a somewhat different take on the core idea in this section.

To motivate the discussion of continuations in this section, let’s look ahead at what we will want to accomplish in the next section: we will implement a generator as a stateful function next. Each time we call this function – next () – it returns the next item in the sequence. The key idea in implementing this function is that just before returning an item in the sequence, we store the current evaluation context in a reference. Then, when the user of our generator calls next () again, we restore the saved evaluation context. Evaluation then proceeds from that saved point up to the next item in the sequence.

I said ‘evaluation context’ several times in the last paragraph (and in the title of this section) so it’s about time I define what that is and how it’s related to continuations.

When a program is “in a call to a function”, for instance, there’s somewhere that call will return to. That location corresponds to how the return value of the function is used. Or, said differently, that location is the evaluation context.

For example, let’s imagine we have a function f : unit -> int. Maybe somewhere in our program there is let x = f () in E. The evaluation context of that call to f – the way the result of f is used – is that it is associated to the variable x in evaluating E. We can write this evaluation context as let x = _ in E as this shows where the return value of the call will be used. Notice that let x = _ in E is not a program! Rather, it’s a program with a hole in it.

Or as another example, perhaps the program contains f () + 5. The evaluation context inside the call to f is that the result of the call will be added with five. We can write that again with this ‘hole’ syntax: _ + 5.

Of course, evaluation can reach quite deep into a subexpression. Consider this evaluation context let x = if _ > 17 then E1 else E2 in E3.

The relevant insight about evaluation contexts, which are a concept outside our programming language, is that we can represent them in our programming language: we represent an evaluation context as a function. Let’s see how this applies to the examples seen so far.

This functional representation of an evaluation context is called a continuation.

Now that we have a way of representing evaluation contexts as continuations, we can write OCaml programs that manipulate continuations. Since continuations are functions, we cannot inspect them: we can only construct them and call them. Calling a continuation k with an argument a represents filling the hole in the evaluation context represented by k with the value a and proceeding to evaluate the resulting expression.

For example, if k is the continuation fun r -> let x = if r > 5 then E1 else E2 in E3 and we apply this to 3, then evaluation continues from the point where the value of the hole _ was required in the represented evaluation context, namely in computing _ > 5. The value of 3 > 5 is needed in the context if _ then E1 else E2, and the value of that if-then-else expression is needed in the context let x = _ in E3. From this apparent nestedness of evaluation contexts, we can observe that the contexts form a stack. This observation will be expanded on considerably in the last section of this article when we translate these ideas into C.

    (fun r -> let x = if r > 5 then E1 else E2 in E3) 3
==> let x = if 3 > 5 then E1 else E2 in E3    -- substitute 3 for r
==> let x = if true then E1 else E2 in E3     -- compute '>'
==> let x = E1 in E3                          -- select then-branch
==> ...

Great, evaluation contexts can be represented as functions called continuations and our programs can use continuations by calling them. Calling a continuation corresponds to filling the hole in the represented evaluation context and continuing the evaluation from there.

The big idea of continuation-passing style (CPS) is to equip the functions we write with an extra parameter. You guessed it, that extra parameter is the continuation of the function. So instead of having a function f : A -> int that we use like f a + 5, we instead write f a (fun r -> r + 5). The upshot is that in the implementation of f, we will have access to (a representation of) the evaluation context in which the call to f takes place!

In traditional CPS, functions no longer ‘return normally’. Instead, they return by calling the continuation with the value they want to return. In our current setting of implementing generators, this isn’t quite what we want. We would like our functions to return normally – this is how the generator will emit a value – but we nonetheless want access to the evaluation context so that we can store it in a reference just before returning. This will enable us to resume the function from the point where it emitted a value. In the next section, we’ll see how we can transform the Python code from the beginning of the article into OCaml using this form of CPS.

Implementing generators using state and CPS

In this section, we mimic Python’s approach to generators: generators in Python are stateful objects, so our implementation in this section will use a reference to store an evaluation context.

To come up with our OCaml implementation, let’s first translate the Python program from the first section into pseudo-OCaml with yield & yield from. Rather than use a mutable array to construct the truth assignment, we’ll build it up one value at a time in a parameter.

let enumerate_assignments n =
    let rec go n a =
        if n = 0 then
            yield a
        else begin
            yield from go (n-1) (true :: a);
            yield from go (n-1) (false :: a)
    go n []

Let’s concentrate specifically on the inner function go. We will need to find a way to represent yield and yield from in genuine OCaml. First, let’s deal with yield.

Operationally, yield saves the current evaluation context and emits the given value. We choose to represent ‘emitting a value’ as simply returning. To gain access to the current evaluation context so that we can save it, we rewrite go in CPS. We also introduce a ref to store the evaluation context.

let state = ref (* what to put here initially ? *) in
let rec go n a next =
    if n = 0 then
        (state := next; a)
    else begin
        yield from go (n-1) (true :: a);
        yield from go (n-1) (false :: a)
in ...

Next, let’s address yield from. This keyword causes the current generator to invoke a ‘sub-generator’ and to yield all of its values.

Since we choose to represent yielding a value as simply returning it, we implement yield from go ... as simply calling go. In doing so however, we must pass go a continuation. We can determine what continuation to pass by looking at the evaluation context of yield from go (n-1) (true :: a):

_; yield from go (n-1) (false :: a)

We represent this evaluation context as a function: fun x -> x; yield from go (n-1) (false :: a). Since yield from does not compute anything – it performs an effect – we observe that x : unit. A value of type unit does not convey any information, so we simplify to fun () -> yield from go (n-1) (false :: a).

Next we must translate the inner yield from go ... which appears inside the continuation. Again, we translate this simply to a call to go, but in doing so we must decide what continuation to pass in this call. We ask ourselves what evaluation context this call takes place in: what happens next, after yield from go (n-1) (false :: a) finishes generating its sequence of values? The answer is that go returns to its caller. In other words, the evaluation context of yield from go (n-1) (false :: a) is the evaluation context of go itself, which was passed to go in the continuation next. Therefore, the continuation we pass to this second call to go is simply next.

Let’s take stock of the translation so far:

let state = ref (* ? *) in
let rec go n a next =
    if n = 0 then
        (state := next; a)
        go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)
in ...

Let’s zoom out, look at enumerate_assignments again, and see how we can fit it together with our adjusted go.

let enumerate_assignments n =
    let state = ref (* ? *) in
    let rec go n a next =
        if n = 0 then
            (state := next; a)
            go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)
    go n [] (* ? *)

Calling go right away at the end of enumerate_assignments can’t be correct anymore. This will return the first item of the sequence, and then we’ll have no way to call the stored continuation to get the next one!

Instead, we need to adjust the return type of enumerate_assignments. Let’s look back to the pseudocode using yield and yield from to inform how.

let enumerate_assignments n =
    let rec go n a =
        if n = 0 then
            yield a
        else begin
            yield from go (n-1) (true :: a);
            yield from go (n-1) (false :: a)
    go n []

First of all, what is this enumerate_assignments supposed to return? What is the return type of go in this pseudocode? If we think back to the original Python implementation, it was returning an iterator. This is some kind of object that holds the suspended execution state. We call the function next() on this iterator to resume execution up to the next yield.

We can imagine in our OCaml pseudocode that go returns something of type bool list gen and therefore that enumerate_assignments n : bool list gen. We can further imagine that there’s a function next : 'a gen -> 'a option which pumps the generator for one more item. This hypothetical next returns an option because the sequence can end and we need a way to signal this.

Now we need to turn the fantasy of the type 'a gen and its associated function next : 'a gen -> 'a option into reality. Here there are several approaches available to us, but one particularly clean one using higher-order functions is to represent 'a gen as a function unit -> 'a option. Then, next becomes trivial to implement.

let next f = f ()

Hence, we implement enumerate_assignments to return a function unit -> bool list option, such that each time this function is called, it emits the next item in the sequence.

let enumerate_assignments n =
    let state = ref (* ? *) in
    let rec go n a next =
        if n = 0 then
            (state := next; a)
            go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)
    (* previously: go n [] *)
    fun () -> ???

We’re almost finished now. What’s left is to make it so that the first time the returned function is called, it emits the first item in the sequence.

The missing insight has to do with the initial value of state: it should be a function that makes the initial call go n []. This makes it so that the ‘driver function’ returned by enumerate_assignments can be implemented as fun () -> !state (). Recall that the state stores a function that generates the next item in the sequence, so initially we store the function that generates the first item of the sequence fun () -> go n []. Moreover, we implemented go to save the current continuation back into the state just before it returns. Therefore, the next time the driver function is called, it emits the next item in the sequence!

But there’s a small wrinkle in fun () -> go n []: there’s an argument missing! What continuation do we pass in this initial call to go?

The continuation passed here ends up saved by go in state after the whole sequence of truth assignments is generated. Therefore, we need to arrange that when this continuation ends up stored, the driver function returns None. The driver function has the form fun () -> !state (), so this initial continuation passed to go ought to be fun () -> None.

But previously, the continuation had the type unit -> 'a, so we need to adjust go slightly to accommodate this change. This leads to the finalized generator using CPS and state.

let enumerate_assignments n =
    let rec go n a next =
        if n = 0 then
            (* we wrap the next item in Some *)
            (state := next; Some a)
            go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)
    and state = ref (fun () -> go n [] (fun () -> None))
    (* and arrange that the last continuation to be stored in
       `state` just returns `None`. *)
    fun () -> !state ()

Now the state reference, which initially contains a call to go, must be mutually recursive with go, which refers back to the state reference.

Let’s witness the fruits of our handiwork. Here’s an OCaml REPL demonstrating the generator.

> let next = enumerate_assignments 5 ;;
val next : unit -> bool list option = <fun>

> next () ;;
- : bool list option = Some [true; true; true; true; true]

> next () ;;
- : bool list option = Some [false; true; true; true; true]

> next () ;;
- : bool list option = Some [true; false; true; true; true]

> next () ;;
- : bool list option = Some [false; false; true; true; true]

In the next section, we explore how to eliminate the mutable variable from this implementation. This will give rise to an implementation suitable to purely functional languages, which lack (genuine) mutable variables.

Eliminating state

The implementation we have arrived at can be made stateless. Notice that there are two ways that the driver function fun () -> !state () can return: it can return Some a after storing the continuation, or it can return None which happens when the sequence ends and the initial continuation fun () -> None has been stored in the variable state.

Rather than store the continuation in some hidden stateful variable, we can simply return both the assignment and the continuation in the Some case. That gives rise to the following intuitive implementation.

let enumerate_assignments n =
  let rec go n a next =
    if n = 0 then
      Some (a, next) (* return the value _and_ the continuation *)
      go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)
  go n [] (fun () -> None)

Slight problem with this implementation: it doesn’t typecheck! And the error is not a simple “expect this type, got this other type,” but rather

Error: The expression `go (n-1) (false :: a) next`
       has type (bool list * (unit -> 'a)) option
       but an expression was expected of type 'a
       The type variable 'a occurs inside (bool list * (unit -> 'a)) option

According to this error, the return type of go, which is so far inferred as (bool list * (unit -> 'a)) option (due to the expression Some (a, next)) has to equal the return type of next which is so far inferred as 'a. This circularity is forbidden, so OCaml rejects the program.

We can resolve this by introducing a recursive type, let’s say L, such that L = (bool list * (unit -> L)) option. The base case of this recursive type arises from the None constructor of the option type. Now we can fix the circular variable type variable 'a to be L and eliminate the forbidden circular instantiation.

type l = Next of (bool list * (unit -> l)) option

We can slightly refactor this type by introducing a second constructor and eliminating the option.

type l =
  | Done
  | More of bool list * (unit -> l)

And we can generalize the type by replacing bool list with a type variable.

type 'a l =
  | Done
  | More of 'a * (unit -> 'a l)

And would you look at that! This is simply a list, but whose tail is computed by a function unit -> 'a l rather than being already materialized.

Now we’re equipped to rewrite enumerate_assignments but having the type int -> unit -> bool list l.

let enumerate_assignments n =
  let rec go n a next =
    if n = 0 then
      More (a, next) (* return the value _and_ the continuation *)
      go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)
  fun () -> go n [] (fun () -> Done)

Have we achieved our goal of making enumerate_assignments stateless? Yes and no.

Indeed we have eliminated the mutable variable, so on the one hand we can say “mission accomplished.” But on the other hand, the state of the walk through the space of truth assignments is still very much present in our program. That state is captured in the continuation, which is returned explicitly via the More constructor of our lazy list type l. The state of our generator implementation is no longer mutable and hidden, but rather immutable and explicitly passed around. We can therefore view lazy lists as purely functional generators.

Another consideration is that in order to make this approach work in a strongly and statically typed setting as in OCaml, we did need to introduce the recursive type l. In the setting of a different type system, this might not be necessary. For instance, in a dynamically-typed setting, e.g. in Python, it is unnecessary to introduce an extra type: we can simply return None when the sequence ends and (a, next) when the sequence continues.

In the next section, we revisit our implementation using hidden, mutable state, and eliminate from it the higher-order functions. This will give rise to a first-order implementation suitable for translation into a language such as C, which is moreover well-equipped to handle mutable state.

Defunctionalizing the continuation of a generator

Recall from the first section the enumerate_assignments implementation using mutable state.

let enumerate_assignments n =
  let rec go n a next =
    if n = 0 then
      (state := next; Some a)
      go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)

  and state = ref (fun () -> go n [] (fun () -> None))
  fun () -> !state ()

We can apply defunctionalization to eliminate the higher-order functions present in this program (see here). In short, we replace each function type \(T = T_1 \to T_2\) that occurs in the program with a new datatype \(D(T)\). Then, for each function \(\Gamma \vdash \text{fun}\, x \to e_i : T_1 \to T_2\), define a constructor \(C_i : P(\Gamma) \to D(T)\) where \(P(x_1 : S_1, \ldots, x_n : S_n) = (S_1, \ldots, S_n)\). Next, define the function \(\text{apply}\, : D(T) \to T1 \to T2\) as follows (in pseudo-OCaml)

let apply (f : D(T)) (x : T1) : T2 = match f with
  | C_i (x1, ..., xN) -> e_i

In other words, the function apply takes the representation \(f : D(T)\) of the original function and recovers the original function: notice that \(\text{apply}\, f : T_1 \to T_2\) has the original function’s type!

Concretely for enumerate_assignments, we introduce a type stack to represent the function type unit -> bool list option. There are three functions of this type passed as arguments to other functions.

We will make a small refactoring: we will separate the “stack frames” from the stack by introducing a type frame and changing the constructor Continue to instead have the type Continue : frame * stack -> stack.

type frame = { n : int; a : bool list }
type state =
  | Start
  | Continue of frame * state
  | Finished

Equipped with this representation of the functions of type unit -> bool list option occurring in the program, we can translate enumerate_assignments to use these constructors instead of using anonymous functions. Anywhere we call an anonymous function, we instead call the function apply that we implement to recover the behaviour of the anonymous function. The parameter next : unit -> bool list option becomes s : stack.

let enumerate_assignments n =
  let state = ref (Start n) in
  (* ^ previously: fun () -> go n [] (fun () -> None) *)
  let rec go n a s =
    if n = 0 then
      (state := s; Some a)
     go (n-1) (true :: a) (Continue ({n; a}, s))
     (* ^ previously: fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next *)
  (* Apply pops a frame from the stack and runs until the next item is produced, if any.
     When `go` runs, it will manipulate the stack, saving it into `state` in particular right
     before returning `Some a`. *)
  and apply s = match s with
    | Start n -> go n [] Finished
    | Continue ({n; a}, s) -> go (n-1) (false :: a) s
    | Finished -> None
  (* And now we have implemented a function `unit -> bool list option` without using any
     higher-order functions internally! *)
  fun () -> apply !state

This program is now completely first-order with the exception of the “higher-order interface” provided at the very end in the form of the function fun () -> apply !state.

This first-order nature will make it possible for us to (somewhat) straightforwardly translate this into C. Of course, we can translate it “as is”, which would mean using a linked list structure for the type stack and for the type bool list, but since we’re going lower-level, we may as well choose more efficient representations for these types too.

Translating to C

The resulting C program is around 100 lines of code whereas the defunctionalized OCaml program is around 20 lines of code. (Both counts ignore blank lines and comments.) We need the following includes in this development.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

Our first choice for efficient data representation will be to represent bool list as simply uint64_t. This limits the number of variables to 64, but it also has the nice property that on a 64-bit machine such as most, a truth assignment fits into a register. We will need to define some operations for setting and clearing specific bits.

typedef uint64_t truth_assignment;
typedef uint8_t var_index;

truth_assignment set_true(truth_assignment a, var_index i) {
    return a | (1UL << i);

truth_assignment set_false(truth_assignment a, var_index i) {
    return a & ~(1UL << i);

truth_assignment const EMPTY_TRUTH_ASSIGNMENT = 0;

Next, we will translate the type frame from the OCaml implementation into a simple C struct.

struct frame {
    var_index i;
    truth_assignment a;

struct frame make_frame(var_index i, truth_assignment a) {
    return (struct frame) {
        .i = i,
        .a = a,

Next, recall the stack type from the OCaml implementation.

type stack =
    | Start of int
    | Continue of frame * stack
    | Finished

We will represent the linked list structure as a simple array of struct frames. Notice that the depth of recursion is bounded by the parameter n given to enumerate_assignments. The maximum value of the parameter n in the development here is 64. The maximum recursion depth informs the maximum stack size.

var_index const MAX_VARS = 64;
var_index const STACK_LIMIT = MAX_VARS;

To manage this array of frames, we will need to track a frame pointer: this is the index of the next unused frame in the stack. Seen differently, the frame pointer is the count of frames currently in the stack.

The frame pointer, being at least 8 bits wide, can accommodate values greater than the count of frames we will ever store. This means we can use the upper bits of the frame pointer to help identify what state the generator is in. When the generator is in the start state, the stack is empty, so we can use the value 1 << (WIDTH-1) for the frame pointer to signify that the generator is in the start state.

In the Start state, we need to know the count n of variables we’re enumerating truth assignments for, but afterwards we can forget this n and just keep the array of frames. This suggests using a union to reuse space here.

struct generator {
    uint8_t frame_pointer;
    union {
        var_index num_variables;
        struct frame stack[STACK_LIMIT];
    } data;

enum state {
    START = 1,
    CONTINUE = 0,

enum state generator_state(struct generator *gen) {
    // extract the uppermost bit of the frame pointer
    return gen->frame_pointer >> 7;

// constructs a generator's initial state
struct generator enumerate_assignments(var_index num_variables) {
    return (struct generator) {
        .data.num_variables = num_variables,
        .frame_pointer = 1 << 7,

Next, we need operations to push to and pop from the stack held in a generator.

 * Returns -1 if pushing fails: wrong generator state or stack is full.
 * Otherwise copies the given frame into the top of the stack, increments the frame pointer,
 * and returns 1. */
int gen_stack_push(struct generator * gen, struct frame const * frame) {
    if (gen->frame_pointer >= STACK_LIMIT) {
        return -1;
    gen->data.stack[gen->frame_pointer++] = *frame;
    return 1;

 * Returns -1 if popping is forbidden: wrong generator state.
 * Returns 0 if the stack is empty.
 * Otherwise decrements the frame pointer, and copies the top frame into `out`,
 * and returns 1 */
int gen_stack_pop(struct generator * gen, struct frame * out) {
    if (START == generator_state(gen)) return -1;
    if (0 == gen->frame_pointer) return 0;

    *out = gen->data.stack[-- gen->frame_pointer];
    return 1;

Now that we’ve translated all the type definitions, we can translate the programs go and apply from OCaml into C. Recall the OCaml implementation:

let enumerate_assignments n =
    let state = ref (Start n) in
    let rec go n a s =
        if n = 0 then
            (state := s; Some a)
            go (n-1) (true :: a) (Continue ({n; a}, s))
    and apply s = match s with
        | Start -> go n [] Finished (* Finished comes from fun () -> None *)
        | Continue ({n; a}, s) -> go (n-1) (false :: a) s
        | Finished -> None
    fun () -> apply !state

Notice that go refers to the variable state that is not a parameter of go. In other words, the definition of go constructs a closure. Sadly, C does not have closures, so we will implement this by passing our translation of go a pointer to the generator. This way when go makes a recursive call, it can simply use gen_stack_push to implement the expression Continue ({n; a}, s) at the same time as state := s. In other words, rather than building up the stack in a parameter to save it just before returning, our translation of go will be mutating the stack along the way.

Observe also that go is tail-recursive: the recursive call is the last thing the function does. The OCaml compiler transforms this into a while-loop during compilation. This transformation is called tail-call optimization. We will also perform this transformation in our translation, to avoid using the C call stack.

int go(struct generator * gen, var_index i, truth_assignment * ta) {
    struct frame frame;

    // due to the --> 'operator',
    // `i` will have its value decremented by one inside the loop
    while (i --> 0) {
        *ta = set_true(*ta, n);

        // in the OCaml program, the frame that gets pushed by the recursive call
        // `go (n-1) (true :: a) (Continue ({n; a}, s))`
        // stores the value `n`, but here we are storing n-1 as a consequence
        // of the decrement that happens in the while loop condition.
        frame = = make_frame(n, *ta);
        if(-1 == gen_stack_push(gen, &frame)) return -1;
    return 1;

Notice that go returns a status code here, whereas the original OCaml program returned the truth assignment. The C program ‘returns’ the truth assignment via the pointer parameter ta, and rather than construct a new truth assignment, it simply modifies the given one.

Finally, we can translate apply. We will call it next in the C program, since it will dispatch on the current generator state to compute the next item in the sequence, updating the generator state.

int next(struct generator * gen, truth_assignment * ta) {
    int status;
    struct frame frame;

    switch (generator_state(gen)) {
    case CONTINUE:
        status = gen_stack_pop(gen, &frame);

        // handle generator exit
        if (0 == status || -1 == status) return status;

        *ta = set_false(frame.a, frame.i);
        if (-1 == go(gen, frame.i, ta)) return -1;
        return 1;

    case START:
        gen->frame_pointer = 0;
        if(-1 == go(gen, gen->data.num_variables, ta)) return -1;
        return 1;

And what good is all this code if we don’t try it out. Here’s a main function to run the generator until it exits, printing out the truth assignments along the way.

int main() {
    struct generator gen = enumerate_assignments(5);
    int status = 0;
    truth_assignment a;

    for (; status = next(&gen, &a), 1 != status;) {
        printf("truth assignment: %d\n", a);

    if (-1 == status) {
        printf("Generator encountered an error, sorry.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Collecting all this C code into a file enumerate.c, we can witness the fruits of our labour:

$ gcc enumerate.c && ./a.out
truth assignment: 31
truth assignment: 30
truth assignment: 29
truth assignment: 28
truth assignment: 27
truth assignment: 26
truth assignment: 25
truth assignment: 24
truth assignment: 23
truth assignment: 22
truth assignment: 21
truth assignment: 20
truth assignment: 19
truth assignment: 18
truth assignment: 17
truth assignment: 16
truth assignment: 15
truth assignment: 14
truth assignment: 13
truth assignment: 12
truth assignment: 11
truth assignment: 10
truth assignment: 9
truth assignment: 8
truth assignment: 7
truth assignment: 6
truth assignment: 5
truth assignment: 4
truth assignment: 3
truth assignment: 2
truth assignment: 1
truth assignment: 0

And there you have it: the most complicated program you’ve ever seen to count down from 2^n -1.


This article covered a lot of ground.

At first, we were motivated by Python’s elegant generator syntax and curious about how these ideas are implemented. We implemented the idea of stateful generators using continuation-passing style to give us access to a representation of the evaluation context, so we could store that context in a mutable variable. That gave us the following implementation.

let enumerate_assignments n =
    let rec go n a next =
        if n = 0 then
            (* we wrap the next item in Some *)
            (state := next; Some a)
            go (n-1) (true :: a) (fun () -> go (n-1) (false :: a) next)
    and state = ref (fun () -> go n [] (fun () -> None))
    (* and arrange that the last continuation to be stored in
       `state` just returns `None`. *)
    fun () -> !state ()

In the following section, we explored a purely functional take on this idea, motivated by the simple idea of returning the continuation together with the generated value. To make this typecheck, we needed to introduce the following recursive type.

type 'a l =
  | Done
  | More of 'a * (unit -> 'a l)

This recursive type (or some variant thereof) is often presented in programming languages courses simply as “a lazy list”. The development in this article, on the other hand, derived this representation by eliminating the mutable variable from the program in the previous section. This demonstrates that lazy lists are purely functional generators, where the state of the generator is captured in the continuation of type unit -> 'a l that is explicitly returned.

In the following section, we applied defunctionalization to the stateful CPS generator to convert it into a state machine using an explicit stack.

let enumerate_assignments n =
  let state = ref (Start n) in
  let rec go n a s =
    if n = 0 then
      (state := s; Some a)
     go (n-1) (true :: a) (Continue ({n; a}, s))
  and apply s = match s with
    | Start n -> go n [] Finished
    | Continue ({n; a}, s) -> go (n-1) (false :: a) s
    | Finished -> None
  fun () -> apply !state

In the final section, we translated the defunctionalized program into C, using efficient data representations along the way where possible.

I hope that this sheds some light on the connection between CPS, generators, and state machines.